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IMG 20171009 WA0002 1

Event: Freestyle Sunday With HofishalSounds cc @hofishalsounds

Off the Oil City of #Eket #AkwaIbomState, this can arguably be rated biggest freestyle concert yet to come

An event set to reform the notion that #Freestyle is rap genre incline hence, mainly for rappers.
“Hofishal Sounds” in collaboration with some positive minds in the south industry take it upon themselves to put this out for every: Rapper, Singer, Accapella/Solo singer who can lyrically express themselves prior to rehearsed verses

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What’s More??
The winner of the Day bags a free studio session with the legendary MCG artiste/producer “Feelings”. Airplay and hype across top media houses in the South and a 6Months Promotional deal with #Southjamz and other promotional agencies collaborating.

Pick a form for a thousand naira only to participate in this great event.
For info/sponsorship 👇


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