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Gospel Music: Wale Ogedengbe – Hallelujah

Wale Ogedengbe is a lover of God and a psalmist. He has been into music for 13 years and over the years grown in song writing and composition. He worships with one of the well known churches in Nigeria where he coordinates the choir in one of the branches. He his an ardent worshiper and has written many worship songs that are sung to bless the name of the Lord. Wale Ogedengbe sees song writing and composition as fun, fulfilling and a blessing from God, through which the heart of God is expressed. Hence, his heart desire is to see the mind, counsels, judgement, plans and purposes of God revealed through songs. More so, he is an educationist who is so passionate about young minds. Hence, he writes songs for schools and organizations in general, as he derives fulfillment and expression from this.

Hallelujah (song of multitudes), is a song birthed out of a spiritual ecstasy from the book of Revelation. A song and sound that declares that Babylon is fallen and the Kingdom of our God is here. Nations will come and worship our God for the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our God and of his Christ.



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