SJ Exclusive Interview with Jeggs
Being one of the most futuristic fast emerging acts from the south, we couldn’t skip the chance to have a little chit chat with the Iyakake crooner as he + 1 today.
Below is an extract of the memorable moments …
SJ: Tell us briefly about yourself fly guy
Jeggs: I’m Charles Emmanuel Etop aka Jeggs, final year student, studying political science and public administration university of uyo , am easy going and straight forward in my dealings, I love to be happy, and to see others too. I respect people who tells me the truth, i don’t like to be fooled and I hate disappointments lol,
SJ: Tell us about your upbringing and family background.
Jeggs: I grew up with mom, lost my dad when I was eight months, mama gave me the best upbringing she could, and taught me that nothing was a do or die, what we can’t get today we will when the time comes.
Sj: let’s talk about Your becoming an artiste, was that influenced by environment or a family inheritance?
Jeggs: I grew were nobody in my neighborhood was doing music, so I felt special with the gift in the midst of my peers.
SJ: What inspires your music?
Jeggs: So many things inspire my music,the sounds I hear the things I see my experiences, but what inspires me most is my emotions. Sincerely am very emotional, what I feel at the moment births the kind of music I come through with,if my feelings is been hurt I’ll pour it out in a love pies if I’m struggling with depression, disappointments I come out with a pies that builds hope(inspirational song) .
SJ: That’s sounds pretty unstable , OK so who is your role model in the industry
Jeggs: Lol I can’t really say I have one, cuz i learn from everybody and I respect everyone doing well for themselves out there
SJ: Okaaay, so if you were not doing music what will you do?
Jeggs: lol this one is crazy, most times I spend time talking to people that are close to me alot and I really enjoy doing that. If I wasn’t doing music I’ll sure be into broadcasting either a VJ or an OAP, damm I so love that job.
SJ: Basically still entertainment, that’s interesting… let’s talk about your emotional life “are you in a relationship and how many are there?
Jeggs:Yes! I’m in a relationship, with one cute girl that is giving headache all over my body lol…hahahaha… talking how many are there lol with due respect to the ladies, the thing is I don’t do double or multi-dating, secondly my girlfriend is one hell of trouble I have to constantly deal with can’t even think of additional troubles lol
SJ: LMFAO , your best and worst experience this year
Jeggs: my worst experience was when I got robbed recently. And my best experience, was when I won my first award ever in my career “Best student musician of the ”
SJ: Oh wonderful! what should we be expecting from you in the next soon to come days?
Jeggs: I’m working on series of projects which I wouldn’t want to talk about in details till they unfold, one of such is “Project Shine” which tends to create a platform which enables young artist who can’t afford a quality production fee get a free one year production deal, it’s my little way to support the AK Music Industry coz I know how it felt when I had to save all I had to record my first studio single 2010. Me and my team are on deck working tirelessly, so I’ll be dropping a video soon, couple of songs, there is much to expect though cuz I have been signing series of contracts lately all I pray is for His grace to execute all that I have in stock.
SJ: wonderfully amazing, we pray God give you the grace to carry on. So 3 artist you will like to work with
Jeggs: lil kesh, 2Baba, dice Alice. Not because they are the biggest, but I enjoy their soundssounds
SJ: Okaaay, so conclusively what do you say to your fans and rising artist out there
Jeggs:To my fans I say thanks for the support thus far and keep supporting, to the artist never stop believing.
Thank SJ for having me….
SJ: so uncle Jeggs how old are you today?
Jeggs: lol I be old boy o lol am +1. While we are anticipating “Worry” video I’ll be dropping a fresh single within the month so you guys should keep your fingers crossed.
SJ: Alright uncle Jegss that will be all for now, do have fun and stay safe… Happy Birthday Star
He didn’t reply that one oh