Southjamz Exclusive: Strategic Use Of Social Media As Promotional Tool For Indie Artistes
Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram remains indisputably the universally prominent sphere in relationship to the Case Study here in, yet they all have different role to play in putting an artiste out there N/B their audience characteristics varies too and the way post are made on Twitter is Different from on Facebook and also Instagram let’s start with the Basic!
For most if not all Indie artistes this is the starting point where you build your first couple of audience (fans) mostly people you already have a real-life relationship with… introduce your Art to this people let them know you for your music not the “classmate, neighbor or cousin thingy”. The Facebook audience is flooded with people of diverse interest including Slay Queens and Kings obsessed with plenty likes and comments, make friends with this class of people and learn to use them to boost your reach, there is no shame in asking them to share your works, your first show connect might be their friend’s birthday, some of them are friends with people you can only wish you had in your list and by gaining a share from them could be a big boost. Make friends with people that are interested in what you do and learn to carry your friends along in your career related posts.
Create a Facebook Fan page, invite friends to like it and learn to sponsor meaningful posts from your page to boost your reach and awareness, also create a Facebook group, add as much people as possible and ensure the interactions don’t get too distracted from your art…
The WhatsApp is gradually becoming the most preferred messenger around, this app is used by even those that are not on Facebook, and is easy to send sensitive messages around including audio files and Videos.
Creating a whatsapp group wont be such a wonderful idea as other will most likely spam the group with irrelevant posts and people will likely leave the group for such reasons however, creating a broadcast list seems quite interesting, don’t forget to remove those who complain and ensure your broadcast messages are interactive and audience engaging, don’t just send links, say something short and catchy, entice your contacts to want to check it out and encourage them to help you share on their media handles too
The Instagram unlike Facebook permits no post without picture attachment and doesn’t allow Timeline links functionality except on sponsored ads.
The implication of this is that unlike Facebook that you can easily share links on your timeline as posts, Instagram merely permits you to attach links somewhere in your bio and refer people to check it out. Meanwhile not everybody really do read post captions on Instagram hence the need to be slightly creative posts – The Instagram is mostly for visual art enthusiast, use a viral video, post a studio session, try dance video, whatever will capture your audience attention at a go is ideal and make sure those visuals are sharp and well made.
TWITTER: Like every other social media, the objective is to sell out your brand, let people know what you do, how well you do it and while telling them, make it interesting. It is without disputation the most reputable Social Media in the Entertainment sphere where one retweet can change your life for the rest of your career days. A lot of artistes have been signed through this platform and yes quote me “lots of talent scouts are still scattered all over the sphere”.
On Twitter, what matters is not how many followers you have but who is it that is actually following you. And how you present yourself to these followers, are they even active followers? Are they interested in what you do? Let it be that you were told, “this is the most complicated social media to explore” but once you get acquainted to it features, Twitter could be quite interesting.
The Twitter audience are interested in written posts, picture posts, and videos too like Facebook but then, it is where the intellects exist. Stay consistent in dishing out quality materials here, make friends with a few who possess active accounts, a couple of retweets could really do a lot to your career at a time
N/B While contracting bloggers to publicize your arts online it is important to introduce yourself and your art to your immediate environment audience {by yourself} too, and one of the surest way to doing this is via effective use of your social media accounts. Also, It is where talent scouts assess your audience strength, your social media presence also come to play when collaboration proposals are sent out to other artistes – in this case it is vital to gather good number of active followers and high level of positive interactions.
In all, as artistes, your social media is far from the basic medium for interaction mostly visited to ease boredom or kill time. Social media to your is your brand marketing medium where your arts is distributed for first hand consumption…
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