“Truly this season has been an amazing and humbling one for us all. It has done nothing but reveal that the ideology and wisdom of this world comes to “NOTHING”.
It has proven to us all that if God is not the foundation and directive in all we do, then a maze is where we’ll constantly find ourselves. It is then that the “time”
of this world begins to bring “pressure” our way, making us to take our mind off the ONE who has made us “MORE THAN CONQUERORS”.I present to you “WAIT”. A song that has been birthed from my process of waiting on HIM. In this process I learnt to constantly ensure that what influences me is HIM and not the world; when we are influenced by HIM a fullness of who we really are in HIM is made known to us. Truly to wait on CHRIST is never a waste of time.The Bible verse that summarizes it all for us all, the message the song “WAIT” brings
“Isaiah 64:4”. Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived,no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.
Truly the best of us all is only found in our REST in HIM. To HIM ALONE be all the GLORY!”